July 1, 2024
Wayne City Village Board June Recap

Wayne City Village Board June Recap

Jun 3, 2024

The Wayne City Village Board held their June session Monday Evening. Several members of the village were on hand.

The board approved the consent agenda items and the also recognized two ambulance crew members for their years of services. Kris and Becky Shreve have celebrated 35 years of service. Several have also recently served 20 years.

In old business, nothing on the old motel was discussed as nothing has happened. On the rebidding of the Mary Neff property, officials are waiting on a lawyer in Metropolis to correct the deed, prior to re-bidding. In road work, village officials made a motion and approved the purchase of rock from Barnard’s Soil Service in Wayne City for future road work. The plan was approved to work on roads mentioned last month. Road work was approved for Market Street, Valley Street, West Smith Street, East Smith Street, Shasta Street, Clark Lane, and East Section Line Road. Additional roads expecting work include West Section Line Road, South Industrial Road, Greenwalt Street, Mitchell Drive, South Mound Street, Prairie Street, Orchard Street, West Meadow Street, and South West Street. The board approved the start of the bid process for the road work. The village will rent a road grater for $9670 for a month plus the freight to get the grater here. Milling will happen soon on several roads in the village. No news mentioned on building repairs at the meeting. The village will keep the same insurance plan for the next year. The insurance went up $873.87 per month, an increase of over $10,000 for the year. The village board looked into a cheaper plan, but it was determined the previous plan was better for village employees.

In new business, a donation request was made to the Wayne City Ruritan Club for $2277.  The village ended up donating $1708.50 towards Bean Days for the upcoming year.

In public comments prior to closed session, Jerry Greenwalt mentioned the lot next to the gas station had a ton of potholes. Greenwalt mentioned that there was a need for work. It was mentioned something needed done and the village would look into putting some gravel down.

In employee reports, Kris Shreve mentioned that Water tower painting work is set to come up for Wayne City. The village was presented an idea to paint a new look on the tower, but no action was taken. Shreve also reported that a chlorine pump went out and to expect an $1800 bill for a new pump.

In trustee reports, Trustee Stephen Buxton mentioned several yards with tall grass. Buxton also mention a recent meeting with members of the Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission in reference to replacing a water mane on East Section Line Road. The village would have to pay the engineering fees, but the return was $500,000. The engineering quote was for $27,000. Currently, the mane is only 4 inches and with the amount of people of on the line, it is inadequate according to Kris Shreve due to limits on the water pressure. Trustee Tim Piper has a resident ask a question as to moving a culvert. Village officials say that if on their property, sure, but it has to be replaced up to standard.

Following the closed session, the board voted to pass a resolution, releasing executive session minutes, dating back to October of 2013 and running thru November of 2023. Some minutes may have redactions, but the minutes are completely public. The board also approved a resolution to destruction of audio and video of executive session minutes from October of 2013 to September of 2022.

Following the actions, a motion to adjourn was given, but no second was given to adjourn. Items brought up include a truck and a motorcycle that the village has received in the past thru forfeiture by Fenton.  The question of Anson Fenton’s residence was brought up with Fenton mentioning he was residing in Belle Rive. Several residents spoke up, mentioned they felt threatened by Fenton. Village officials took no action following comments at the meeting.

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