July 1, 2024
FMH to Resume Cardiac Rehabilitation Services

FMH to Resume Cardiac Rehabilitation Services

Jun 28, 2024

Fairfield Memorial Hospital is pleased to announce the restoration of its Cardiac Rehabilitation services following a multiday network outage. The hospital will resume these critical
services on Monday, July 1, 2024.

While work continues to fully restore all systems, the hospital has been prioritizing the reinstatement of
all essential services, such as Cardiac Rehabilitation.
Hospital officials understand the importance of these services to our patients’ recovery and well-being,
and we’re committed to providing uninterrupted care moving forward. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to
the community for their patience and understanding during this challenging period. The support and
cooperation of patients, families, and staff have been instrumental in navigating this unexpected

Patients with scheduled Cardiac Rehab appointments for July 1st and beyond should plan to attend as
normal. Those whose appointments were affected by the outage will be contacted by hospital staff to

The hospital continues to work diligently on restoring all remaining affected systems and will provide
updates as more services become available.

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